
White Gold

Packaging, Identity

Packaging and Identity redesign for White Gold—a family owned honey business offering a unique taste of Canadian clover fields. The redesign focuses on incorporating an artisanal feel through material and illustration while symbolically reconnecting with the red clover flower through a striking pop of color.


I revamped the complete Identity and packaging for White Gold and extended the identity into retail and digital spaces to give a full picture of how their new system works.


ArtCenter Gallery


The new logo uses a serif typeface which has a classic premium look, that has been altered through the arm of the “W” into the “H” and dot of the “I” to create an organic honey drop form. Ascenders have also been shortened so make the words stack in a cleaner manner.


Use of bold red attracts attention and gives them a voice on retail shelves amongst competitors. Glass & wood materials make the packaging feel more premium and paper pulp replaces single use plastics to be more environmentally friendly. Use of Illustrations help give the product an artisanal, crafted feel and tell more of the brand story. Unique form details like the carved groove and honey drop label shapes help with overall brand recognition.





Art directed MidJourney AI to help produce line illustrations that fit the overall artisanal and hand-crafted tone of the brand.


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